Military birth record in Malta in about 1800
I am trying to find the birth record of my ancestor, Mary Reed (Reid, or Read) born in about 1800. In the 1851 census, her birthplace is listed as the Island of Malta. I presume that she was born to a military family stationed in Malta. I find record of the following regiments in Malta about the time of her birth- 35th, 27th, 30th, 40th, 48th, 89th, and 92nd. In 1818, she is married to William Farncombe, a sergeant of the 35th regiment of foot, in Winchester, Southampton, England. There are no parents listed on the marriage record.
Did the regiments keep information about children born overseas? Is there a way to search births by regiment? I have searched the Index of Baptisms Recorded by Army Chaplains 1800-1900, but it does not include baptisms recorded this early. Does anyone have any other ideas?
@Graham Buckell do you know?
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My knowledge of military records is very weak.
Always worth looking at the Wiki
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@BonnieJLarson I am not sure how helpful this will be, but here is some information that I have found on the FamilySearch Wiki.
Foreign Births 1831-1920 (RG32/1-5)
Although catalogued as mixed ‘Foreign Returns’ at The National Archives, this is a collection of births or baptismal entries of the same nature as those for deaths and marriages described above (though RG32/1 includes eight deaths and six marriages), coming from a wide variety of places. There are, however, far fewer entries, the first, in 1831, being a baptism at Horta on Fayal in the Azores.
Regimental Registers
Also with the Registrar General are several groups of records relating to the armed forces, for which certificate fees must be paid.
The Regimental Registers 1761-1924 are original entries of births/baptisms, marriages and (far fewer) deaths/burials kept by various regiments and relate to the families of officers and other ranks at home and on foreign stations from 1790. The indexes include the registers of Landguard Fort, Suffolk (1761-1871) and of garrisons at Walmer, Kent (1860-9) and at Weedon, Northamptonshire (1845-79).
The indexes of births/baptisms 1761-1924 show name, station, year and regiment and may lead directly to the regiment of an Army ancestor when this is unknown. There is a large, but easily overlooked, supplementary volume. However, these indexes are not complete and there are no public indexes of the marriages and of deaths/burials. The records are arranged by regiment. There is a card index at the General Register Office but it was described in 1997 as ‘incomplete and deteriorating’ and it is not unknown for official searches at different times to produce differing results. The details produced on certified ‘copies’ may also sometimes vary or be incomplete. A List of Regiments, Corps and Departments from which Records of Marriages, Births and Deaths have been received was published on microfiche by the General Register Office in 1996. There is a summary list of regiments and of dates covered for births and marriages in an Appendix to My ancestor was in the British Army by Michael J. and Christopher T. Watts (Society of Genealogists, 1995).