Please translate
Can someone please translate this record for my ancestor Marie Vlazny?
Did you mean Anna Vlazny?
Betseylee Browning
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Working on translation for Anna.
Betseylee Browning
0 -, Libníč, České Budějovice, Česko, image 57, 6th down, Birth: 21 Cervenec= July, 1823, Christening: 21 Cervenec= July, 1823, House #29, Anna Vlazney neb Filipp (alternate surname?), Catholic, female, legitimate,
Father: Tomas Vlazney neb Fillipp (alternate surname?), chalupnik= small peasant, cottager, son of Mateius Vlazney, chalupnik= small peasant, cottager, from ? panst? And his wife Marye Anna born Rjhowe/ Rihowe from Aüpin pvdanz hlübveky
Mother: Katerina daughter of Bartolomus Kreyejho chalupnika=peasant cottager, from ? number 16, and his wife Katerina born Mundlickowe? from Her_deyi panst_j flüb vike?
Woman who carried the child: Rozyna selka=peasant woman ___ , and Frantisska Bezpalin Sedlaka=farmer from Hürr (Hüry?)
Note: more research on the last names with other records is needed as is the places they were from.
Family name origins & meanings
Czech (Krejčí) : occupational name for a tailor, krejčí.
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Did you see this Katrina?
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I saw it and was wondering what it says about J? Vlazney above the entry for Anna?
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It says Marriage 9 Dec 1848 to Johann Vlazney (in Silip?)