Death by 110-year rule
Kristian Kristiansen MYX9-NJC and Quality Summary
Born in 1879; his death is only 'deceased' because we have not yet located his death information. Yet we know he has to be deceased because we know his birth date and he could not possibly be still alive. This 'deceased' mark is a critical indicator in who can see this record. (locked living, visible deceased)
Should a mark of 'deceased' that has no date or location be required to have a source tagged to it? Person Data Consistent with Tagged Sources seems to only check for tagged sources that have indexed information and receives full marks for consistency, even though unindexed records are not used for comparison. Regarding the 'deceased' mark, it seems to me that if it is marked as missing a date and place in Person data is complete, that it should not be also marked down in Person Data has Tagged Sources.
You can also see that a non existent burial date/place does not generate a tagged sources error.
Even though there is no death date or place, we still want users to find a death source. You bring up a good point that death can be inferred after 110 years, however the Missing-Tagged-Source rule will probably not become age aware anytime soon. Thank you for your input.