Translation request, Nymburg
Státní oblastní archiv v Praze (
Teresie Krainer, born 1 Oct 1862
Especially interested in parents' information.
Thank you
I have done my best but there are some words I cannot find.
Father: Petr Krainer vojensky=military, Kovar=blacksmith and lexar Dobytic=cattle/ kuerchmied in Nymburg House 42, Depotu vojenskyek=military hrebm, vlastni=own son of Janna Krainer rolnika=farmer from Hornim Tei_inkn House 19, okre Mahrenberg Reho Krajo marburg v Reho v Styroku and his wife Anny born Adlinovy from Wiesn no house number or okre
Josefa Kormannova from Nymburgka house 70, okre nymburske'ho legitimate (own) daughter of vlastin Karla Kormanna House (no #) dobysuho lekare=doctor on odpounutv v Budine house 220 v Uhrach and his wife Judity born Rhusovy from Ketskemetn no house # v Uhrach.
Woman who held the child Therese Kormann daughter of Karla Kormanna Dobysüho lekare=doctor v pensi=pension from Budine house 220 v Uhrach, witnesses: Karl Kormann Lekar=doctor na pensi=pension v Budine house 220 v Uhrach
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Thank you so much for your great effort.
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You are welcome!