What is the birth location for Charles Albert Swanson (27D3-6NB)?
I have located a Lutheran Church record in Iowa on Ancestry that gives his birth date and location for Charles Albert (Alrick?) Swanson but I can't decipher the parish and county. I have tried to match what is written with lists on the Sweden Research WIKI with no luck. I'd appreciate any help in identifying the parish and county for Charles. I have attached the link in Ancestry to the image. Thanks for your help.
Mejor Respuesta
I see the place written as Jällstad, Elfsb. county, which could be a misspelling of Hällstad, Gällstad, or Hällestad parish in Älvsborg county (Älvsborg sounds like Elfsb[org]). I couldn't find his birth in the Hällstad parish, so I tried the Gällstad parish, and there he is listed as being born on 5 July 1863, which matches the record you have! His birth record is on image 16 of the 1861-1889 Gällstad birth/baptismal book (linked). His is the first entry on the page.
It's Gällstad
He's Clas/Klas/Claes Alarik Svensson son of Sven Johansson and Johanna Sofia Larsdotter
ArkivDigital: Gällstad (P) AI:8 (1861-1871) Image: 172 Page: 171
Cliff in Alberta
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Here in an earlier Household with his widowed father
ArkivDigital: Gällstad (P) AI:6 (1850-1856) Image: 162 Page: 314
I don't see the younger brothers that are entered in the FamilySearch tree...
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Thanks so much for your help.
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Thank you so much for your help.