Translation Request - Hungary Christening Record
I humbly ask for a translation of the 1761 Christening record of Anna Csepan (4th from the top) into the Hungarian Reformed Church. Many thanks in advance.
Best regards,
Mense Junio
??e 8dik Kereszteltetett meg? Ju?? boldogult, C__pán Dániel második feleségitül, ??? mar_dott leánykája, Anna. Kinek K.A. ifju __rálly János ?.
Month of June.
8th. Baptized _Anna_, the little daughter left behind by the late Daniel C__pán from his second wife. Whose godfather is János __rálly junior.
There are several letters (or probably more like abbreviation symbols) that I haven't been able to figure out, but I think my basic interpretation is correct. It is possible that some of the missing words turn things around, and it's actually the mother that's deceased, but it seems unlikely.
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Julia, thank you for your stellar translation! I have located 2 more records that mention Daniel Csepan; they are many years removed from the above one, but they are from the same location, so perhaps there is a connection? If it's not too much of a bother, could you provide a translation for these as well? In any case, thank you for your great help already!
-Baptism of Rakhel Csepan (Oct 23, 5th from the top on the right page)
-Baptism of Eva Csepan (Feb 2, second from top on the left)
Once again, many thanks!
Best regards,
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Die 23. Oct. Csepán Daniel leányát Rakhelt; K. Atyák és Anyák Királly Daniel feles~., Györegy István felesegev~., Berta Mihálly feleseg~., ? Topos Jósefne Nagy Ilona
Simonyi: Hopper István.
23rd of October (1796). (Baptized) Daniel Csepán's daughter Rakhel; G. Fathers and Mothers Daniel Királly with his wife, István Györegy with his wife, Mihálly Berta with his wife, Mrs. Jósef Topos ? Ilona Nagy.
(No idea what's up with the line starting with the underlined surname Simonyi.)
Die 2da Febr. Csépán Dániel leányát Evát. K.A... és Anyák: Berta Mihálly feleség~. Gy...ragy István feleség~. Nagy Ilona. Királly Dániel. Topos Jósefné.
2nd of February (1799). (Baptized) Daniel Csepán's daughter Éva. G.F... and Mothers: Mihálly Berta with his wife. István Gy...ragy with his wife. Ilona Nagy. Dániel Királly. Mrs. Jósef Topos.
Those two are definitely sisters: they have exactly the same godparents (except Mr. Királly appears to have lost his wife at some point between them). The 1761 baptism seems more likely to be their aunt: she's a full generation older, and has a different godparent (and just one, instead of over half a dozen).
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Once again- thank you very much :)