Remodel of FamilySearch Centers
Hi, I am really excited about the remodeling of the FamilySearch Centers, however, there seems to be a huge communication gap between FamilySearch, FM managers, The FM Department, the Church, and our stake presidents. We are encouraged from the Tech Guys to get the process going with our stake president and the FM manager but neither knows about the remodeling. They are aware about the signage from the February notice but nothing else. The FM manager wants to know more and will not move forward until he understands where to find this information and who is requesting it. I feel I'm on the bottom of the totem pole and have no authority to even approach him regarding the remodel. He wants information from the top down. I just want this to move forward in the appropriate way without making waves. But if I don't move forward how is this going to happen? I did mention that the remodel can happen when the stake center is scheduled for an upgrade and asked when is our stake building scheduled for one? His reply, " Did they qualify what they mean by "upgrade" ? Upgrade to what? Neither paint nor sisal will ever be redone in classrooms/FS Centers unless required because of damage or signs of age. The carpet is likely to be replace in the next few years, but that usually doesn't trigger remodels. Please find out what they mean according to their understanding. Then I will take that up my line for further clarification and direction. Hopefully we can come up with the correct consistently applied answers and definitive direction." So here I am. Can you please help me? He needs more directives than what I can offer. Thank you.
My stake president would like info too. We happened to chat on Sunday. He said that the initial notice about rebranding and holding open houses this year promised more information to come, but there has been no further information. When I said that we've heard the remodel will coincide with the building refresh cycle, he said that one of our buildings with a FSC is due for the refresh now, in the third quarter of this year. But he's heard nothing about FSC remodeling for that building. (My building's refresh is not due for two more years.)
Can anyone located in a chapel who has already had remodeling tell us how the process got started for you? Did it coincide with the building refresh cycle?
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Our Area FM manager knew all about it, and was very enthusiastic - several months ago. But we just got moved to a different FM group (or whatever the new name of that department is - they've also changed their name). And our very supportive stake president will be released in less than three weeks. So I'm very concerned about where things stand as well, after figuring we were in great shape as long as we were still under the previous FM group.
I communicate with several FSC directors, and those that have on the Wednesday evening Zoom meetings with Support have clearly been feeling very much in the dark, as I hear from the FSC directors I talk to myself. This really needs some coordination between organizations, organization within each of those groups, clarification, and direction, when so many stake presidents are in the dark, many FM Group managers don't seem to have any idea about it, and yet this was all supposed to happen in the next three years (now five years if I understood Elder Richins correctly last week).
Like Charlie Brown hoping for the opportunity to kick that football, many seem to be losing hope that it's ever going to happen - even though we hear of a tiny few Centers where it's happening, yet the process seems to be almost secret, leaving many with dwindling hope when even their own stake president is in the dark, as well as their FM Group.
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There does seem to be a complete lack of communication between FS/the FH department and the FM groups. Recently, we too were moved into a different FM group, which knows nothing about any remodeling, or anything beyond signage. Nor has my stake president received any Church communications beyond signage. In the meantime, I know some stakes are proceeding with plans to reduce the FSC footprint in stake centers, in favor of classrooms, perhaps even eliminating them. Talk about a "voice in the wilderness!"
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Sister Dionne-Perrone, sorry none of us suggested an answer to your question. Direct your FM guy to the FSC Standards Guide which shows exactly what "upgrade" means (oh yeah, the sisal and paint gets redone). There's a link to the PDF here:
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Sister Chou,
Thank you for your reply, however, I did sent the Appendix-H to our FM manager about a month ago and it's not enough for him to move forward with. He wants to know who is issuing this directive. He needs a formalized work order to give him the approval to make these upgrades.
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A FM guy happened by the FSC today while I was there with patrons. He was well informed about the FSC remodels, had seen the Standards Guide and was excited about things. He said the remodels are not connected to the building refresh cycle. For the two centers in our stake he says they are ready to start when instructions come to do so (I assume from his management chain). Does this help or just add to the confusion?
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Well it's hopeful that's for sure! I guess our FM manager is waiting for instructions to come too. Interesting how one views the guide. One is excited and the other is apprehensive and won't act upon it. Can I ask where your stake is located? Thank you for sharing this information. I'll keep praying. : )
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I'm in Baltimore, Maryland.
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Thank you!
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I spoke with a representative of our FM Group regarding this issue. They are aware of the guide and have used it in ordering the new signage for our Center. However, their stated position is that they are not going to do anything regarding remodeling until the get specific guidance and FUNDING from/thru their channels. As stated in many of the posts here, there is much confusion and very little direct communication within the FM Groups.