Request access book: Proeve genealogie van de familie Van Schingen etc.
Hello, I really want access to the online book: Proeve Genealogie van de familie Van Schingen etc. I am a relative to this family. My family name is: Van Schingen. I am investigating my family history and i think this books contains usefull information. Is it possible to read the book online? Or can i go somewhere to read it in rl?
Famsearch seems to have it, but still copyright protected,so you have to request for acces at a Familycenter near you,or one that has the book. Secondary, there is a second -reviewed and annotated version that's newer.Also, Can you read Dutch?, ..The publisher is Belgian from Strombeek-Bever.Another solution, search it in worldcat,after entering your location at their page, will show close hits near you , some with acces directly and some with acces via libraries affliliated with famsearch...