Fan Chart does not return to previous format
The following peculiarity (maybe it's a bug) was reported by a guest. Step 1 - go to Fan Chart. Step 2 - use the options button and select Ordinances. The fan chart displays Ordinances with the key showing in the upper left corner. I'll attach clip 1.
Step 3 - select the central person in the fan chart and go to the person page. Step 4 - go back to fan chart and it has reverted to Family Lines, NOT Ordinances, but it still has the Ordinances key in the upper left corner. I'll attach clip 2.
Guest would like chart to revert to latest format chosen rather than revert to the default Family Lines format. Also, if it does go back to the Family Lines format, it certainly should not retain the key that belongs with the Ordinances format.
Thanks for reporting this. A new fan chart page is being built. It may not be fixed until it is released. Watch this group to be notified of the details.