Translation question Flemish to English
Could someone please translate the vital in information of this Flemish marriage record for Franciscus De Vos & Sophia Van Parys. I'd like to know if the record mentions their parents names, how old the parents are and where they were born. Any other crucial information that could help me in my research would also be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance. Marie-Claude.
Please click on link below to view the record.
@Marie-Claude Lootens Christensen
The parent are ; for Francies De Vos, Pieter Francis De Vos and mother is Pitronelle De Sloovere no ages given , i can only see the location for the fathers birthplace as 'Huysse' (possibly dissolved or merged now), i cannot read that of the mother.( Pitronelle is often spelled as Petronella(e) as an aside.
For Sophie the mother is Marie Colette Rogge , father is Jacobus Van Parijs and the date of the marriage is 1825 (12,?) Oktober.
I will look for the other translate tomorrow, possibly it contains more location-info , as far as i can see in a hurry, Nazareth ,Oudenaarde and Huysse
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@Marie-Claude Lootens Christensen
Todays spelling for Huysse is Huise , btw, here is the churchbook collection.
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Hello Adrie,
Thank you so much for the translation and information. I really appreciate your help. I will do some more research with the information you provided. Thanks again!
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Searching for relatives of Henri VanButsele 2Z3V-5RG, from Nukerke, Oost Vlaanderen, Belgium. Henri is my great grandfather on my mother's line. He passed away in America in 1942.
In advance I thank you for your help.
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Franciscus Devos (G6H9-WYN) 1734-1790, shows up on my family line. Could this be the same one in your line? If this is the same line I have more on this line to share with you.
Phyllis Drake
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Hello Phyllis,
The Franciscus De Vos in my line is my 3rd great-grandfather (KVL1-27G). I only have his sibblings and his parents who are Pieter Francis De Vos (9K88-DXY) 1794-1826 & Petronelle De Sloovere (9K88-DF9) ...don't have dates for her yet. Could it be possible that your Franciscus De Vos is my Franciscus De Vos' grandfather?