Where does Leopold Neugebauer (father of the groom) live? I need this info or his line stops here.
I have translated most of this document. My problem is determining the name of the town where the father of the groom lives. I need this information in order to continue with this line.
Column 1. Date: 19 November 1822, Paul Johann Neipper Priest
Column 2. House: 20 (in Mitteldorf)
Column 3. Groom: Johann Neugebauer ..... legitimate son of Leopold Neugebauer cottager in ........ in No. 3 ......
Columns 4-5. Catholic
Columns 6. Age 29 1793
Columns 7-8. Single
Column 9. Bride: Theresia Kraus legitimate daughter of Martin Kraus, knitter in Mittledorf
Column 10-11 Witnesses: Mathias Schmid xxx and Mathias Schwartz xxx ..... and neighbors in Mitteldorf
Franz Giesslerxxx knitter and Laurenz Muller xxx stream maintenance-master in Stannern. (xxx indicates cannot write)
also was in house 20
Across the bottom: In the matter of the underage bride, my daughter, to this marriage I give my permission.
Martin Kraus
Thanks for your help
The priest's name is Neisser.
Column 3. Groom: Johann Neugebauer, grocer, legitimate son of Leopold Neugebauer cottager in ........ in No. 3 Bohemia.
The place name might be „Unter Litschkau“ with „Unter“ abbreviated to „Uer“. But that might be completely wrong; so personally and unless someone comes up with a better idea, I'd be on the lookout for anything ending on –itschka(u) or -icka(u) in Bohemia.
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If you're reading it correctly (I can't read it at all, tbh), there is a village called Líčkov in Czechia today (Litschkau in German) but I have no clue what would the Unter (under) refer to. It's in the northwestern part of Czechia. Líčkov is a part of a slightly bigger village called Liběšice in Louny District, Region: Ústí nad Labem (Aussig Region)
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@SharonWolfsClark @LuciaV Do ignore the 'unter'/uer bit if it doesn't fit. It's absolute conjecture. An alternative reading may be Werlitschka; I've found this as surname but not as a place name, yet.