Multiple placenames with exactly the same standardized name ?
E.g. Clicking in the place of marriage field here I get two matches
How do I know which of the two (town or district) was actually selected ?
I notice that the town is highlighted, which leads me to think it must be the town. But I know that when I set the place of marriage I selected the district.
In this particular case it's probably not important, but there may be other cases where it is.
The highlighting always starts out at the top of the list. It does not mean that that is the item that was entered. In this situation there is no way to know which one was originally entered. All you can do is hope the person that entered it used the right one if there really is a difference.
If you really need to know, you can look at the time line map and compare the marker there to these two places in the Places database. If in the Places database the map markers are actually at the same place, then it really doesn't matter which is chosen because these names are just a stand in for latitude and longitude.
Here is the Places database entries for these two plus a third version of the place:
Two have identical latitude and longitude and the third is so close that any program routine is going to treat them as the same.