How do I find more info on LTQH-5FX?
I got contacted on Ancestry by a Megan asking about this person, Ellen Olsdatter Saijets. I cannot find any other information on her except her birth in Finnmarken Norge. Ellen must have been married with a Hansen, had a daughter Sara... Did they emigrate? I'd love to know, if you have time to help me.
- is a great place to look for records.
I found Elen Bigga's birth and baptism record that shows she was born December 8th 1888, and baptized December 12th 1888 in Nesseby church. The birth date listed on her person page is incorrect. Her last name is also written without the i, like in her father's name.
You can add these links to her sources:
Original source Church book link:
To get more information search these links:ø_Parish,_Finnmark,_Norway_Genealogy
Or maybe contact: