Inconsistent behavior and functionality loss with Similar Records in different vies
Viewing the list of Similar Record from a person's Source page used to look different from viewing them within the record itself. Now that's changed so that the look identical, but their behaviors are inconsistent, and it's made the functionality worse on the Source page.
For example, here's the same record, first viewed expanded in
And when viewed at
On the record page, clicking on a Similar Record shows it the sliding panel (which clunky and bad), and there is no ability to Ctrl-click or right-click to open the record directly in a new tab. I think this has been this way for awhile.
Clicking on a Similar Record in the Source page view will automatically open it in a new tab (in focus). Fortunately, Ctrl-clicking will still open it in a background tab, which is ideal. But some functionality has been lost: the links used to be blue, and change to darker blue when viewed (standard HTML link behavior). This was great when viewing Similar Records lists for all the attached source, because viewing it would turn the link dark blue on each one of the Similar Records list, so you knew if it was already opened in a tab or if it was a different record with the same name, like four of the records here. This was incredibly useful and should be brought back.
Not being able to right-click from the record page is painful. And not having followed links appear as a different color from the Source page is a big problem for people with a lot of sources -- For example, if a page has 30 attached sources, and each of those one unattached "similar record", you don't know if you're dealing with one record on 30 lists, 30 records each on one list or something between. The link color allowed us to scroll through the page and see right away whether you already opened it or if it's different from the others you opened. So now we just have to open every one off every list and deal with the fact we might have just opened 29 windows for no reason.
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Perhaps I am not understanding, but I can right click to open a similar record in a new tab. When I am on, I see a list of six similar records, two of which are attached to persons in the tree. When I click on any one of them, I get a preview bar on the right hand side of the window. From there I can right click on "view record" to open the record in a new tab or window.
I agree that the link does not change color to indicate that I have seen the record, which could be frustrating when trying to view a long list.
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That's a lot slower than just ctrl-right-clicking to open it in a background tab, especially when when you're dealing with records like this:
Or a list of records like this:
The better workflow is to go down the list and open all the potential sources, then examine each one. That way if, for example, a new person needs to be created and one source has vague information and the other has precise information (like a census report vs. a birth record), you can tab through the sources to find the best one to use.