I need to find death certificate of great-grandfather in china
Hello I'm @ma.teresasilva I'm from Ecuador in South America, I don't speak Chinese,How can I get data from China on the subject? I need to find out in China the death certificate of my great-grandfather in China. I do not have his Chinese last name, but I know that he traveled to China with the whole family in 1904 and a few months after arriving in China he died, I have the shipment from Panama to San Francisco and With his entire family in 1904-, he arrived in San Francisco on April 6, 1904 on the City of Parra ship and from there to China. Upon arrival, he died a few months later and was buried in China. His great-grandmother and her children returned in 1904-October -11, on the Manchuria ship. Between the months of May and September, he died, I need data from China. He was Eusebio Silva, in a travel document they have named him Eusario, Maria Mercedes de Silva family, José, Clarisa, Lucila, Zoila, Teolinda Silva. some misspelled names in the registry, where I can look for death
certificates, arrival at Chinese customs, I thank you for the help.
It is really impossible to find his record from China if don't know his Chinese even surname.
My suggestion is that please start to search for him from his immigration official records (application of immigration, interview document with immigration officer...). I saw a lot of native names characters on this kind of record, sometimes with their address and parents' names.