Berra from Cuggiono, Milan, Italy
Requesting any help finding the parents of Santino Berra born 1790, Cuggiono, Italy.
Or Francesco Berra
Or Petronilla Calcaterra
Thank You
Have you searched the FamilySearch catalog for it? You will find that it's not listed, therefore there are no online records in FamilySearch. You will have to contact local churches in Cuggiono to do any research.
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Hi Elizabeth -
Can you share a little bit more about how you came to know Santino Berra was born in 1790 in Cuggiono? Also, where you learned the other names you listed, Francesco Berra and Petronilla Calcaterra? Do you have some records already?
There are some records available for Cuggiono, but finding your answers might only be possible by finding death records or perhaps marriage records of Santino's children.
If all these attempts fail, then you may be forced to contact the local churches in Cuggiono as suggested by Vinny.
Whenever possible, please provide links / URLs to info you have found.
Perhaps there's a chance.
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Correct, Antenati has records for Cuggiono from 1866 - 1946.