Date input in Windows doesn't allow for Home key movement of cursor
In the Vital area of the person page, neither the Home nor End keys are working when adding to or editing an event.
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The home and end keys are linked to the standard picker drop down and moves you to the beginning and end of the standard options list.
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I don't really belong in this discussion since my Mac doesn't have home and end keys and the fairly equivalent functions are key combinations that I never bother with and since I pretty much use the mouse for navigation anyway, but I do have to ask, why would someone want to move to the very end to the standard picker drop down? And would it ever occur to people to use a key to do that?
When I enter dates and places, I either keep typing until the drop down choice is at the top of the menu or I have entered the full date or place as I want to have it then adjust the linked standard if needed.
If the home and end keys work as expected in all data entry fields that do not have drop down menus, and if they used to work as expected in those with drop down menus in the old pages, I can see why people are concerned with this change. Or is this how things always worked and people just didn't notice?
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This is definitely a new feature introduced by the new component/page. This may be a result of competing use cases using the same component. I don't use the home and end keys either, so lack opinion on the situation.
I'd love to hear more feedback, now that the feature has been explained.
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Once you learn to use the keyboard for "everything" you don't ever want to go back 😊
Some use cases that I often find myself in:
- Input "nnew york" in the field. Home goes to the beginning of the text. Del deletes the first letter. End goes to the end of the text again to keep typing.
- Input "new hamshire" in the field. Ctrl+ArrowLeft puts you before "hamshire". Shift+End marks everything to the end of line. Replace with "hampshire".
- Input "new york". Shift+Home marks everything. Del deletes the text. Typing replaces the text.
There are other ways to do each of the 3 examples with the keyboard without using the Home/End keys. But they would require more key presses. And our muscle memory will make us try the Home/End key combinations first and cry "aaarrhh" in frustration every ten times or so 😅
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I'll reopen the issue and see if the team will make an update.