I need help to Understand the phrase "che io riconosco essere conga vita"
I am looking at a birth certificate, for Liberatore Del Borrello, (https://www.antenati.san.beniculturali.it/ark:/12657/an_ua18273787/57YbXmq), and after it gives her name, it says 'che io riconsoco essere conga vita'. I put that into google translate and it told me it meant, "that I know to be alive."
? Why would it say that? I am not sure I am writing the word 'conga' correctly. I have never seen this before. I looked at the birth records before and after his, and I could find no others with that phrase after the child's name.
It's not conga vita, it's senza vita. In other words, this is a stillborn child.
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Yeah!!!! 🙂
Thank you! I would not have been able to figure that out on my own!
(Sorry I didn't get back sooner. I've been away a bit from family history.)