Help with translation
I was wondering if anybody would be able to help me translate this document. It's a death certificate for Zeferino Paz, death 1883 #57 on the document (right-hand side, in the middle). I believe the place is Chinipas.
I can't read that will in Spanish.
Thank you to anyone who can help.
Hello, Ever.
I can help you. But, can you share the link of the source record? I need it for more quality. When I try to zoom on the image that you shared, it is a little bit blurry.
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Thank you Ronald, here is the link:
Zeferino, also Sebero.
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Número 57.
Sebero Paz, murió en esta de pulmonía.
En la municipalidad de Guadalupe Cantor Meoqui, a los veinte y dos días del mes de Diciembre de mil ochocientos ochenta y tres; ante mi, Manuel Rodríguez, Juez de Estado Civil, y los testigos Domingo y Antonio Paces, hermanos del finado, compareció Seferino Paz, vecino del lugar y dijo: que a las cuatro de la mañana del día anterior murió su hermano Sebero Paz, vecino de esta, de pulmonía, que era de 38 años de edad de oficio labrador. Casado en primeras nupcias con M. Juliana Garcia de cuyo matrimonio tuvo tres hijos. José Paz de nueve años de edad, Eusebia de siete y Julian Paz de dos años, murió su esposa. Casó en segundas nupcias con Doña Maria del Refugio Leon vecina de Meoqui de ella no dejó familia y quedó viuda, que es hijo legitimo de Don José Paz y de Doña Claudia Saquez, ambos difuntos, nativos y vecinos del lugar. Para constancia firmo la presente acta, no haciéndolo los testigos ya nombrados por no saber.
Manuel Rodríguez
Number 57.
Sebero Paz, died in this of pneumonia.
In the municipality of Guadalupe Cantor Meoqui, on the twenty-second day of the month of December one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three; in front of me, Manuel Rodriguez, Civil Status Judge, and the witnesses Domingo and Antonio Paces, brothers of the deceased, appeared Seferino Paz, neighbor of the place and said: that at four in the morning the day before his brother died Sebero Paz, neighbor of this, of pneumonia, who was 38 years old, a farmer by trade. Married in first nuptials with M. Juliana Garcia from whose marriage he had three children. Jose Paz nine year old, Eusebia seven years old and Julian Paz two year old, his wife died. He married secondly with Mrs. Maria del Refugio Leon neighbor of Meoqui of whom she left no family and was left a widow, who is the legitimate son of Mr. Jose Paz and Mrs. Claudia Saquez, both deceased, natives and neighbors of the place. For the record, I sign this document not doing the witnesses already named for not knowing.
Manuel Rodríguez
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Thank you so much, Ronald! I assume you do this a lot. So it seems that Sefeino was Sebero's brother? I'm not sure what neighbor of the place means.
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Well, when it says "neighbor of the place", it means that a person is neighbor of a community, other people... "place" refers, in this case, to other people, these people live in a community, in a town, or a neighborhood. Sorry if I couldn't be clear, I translated it literally and in those days they used to write in a little bit different way.
About Seferino and Sebero, yes, they were siblings.
If you need me to explain any other sentence, please let me know.
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Okay, so when it says "Mr. Jose Paz and Mrs. Claudia Saquez, both deceased, natives and neighbors of the place" it means one parent was from the community, and one was from a neighboring community? If so, that makes sense.
Thank you again, Ronald.
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No, it means that they both were neighbors of other people who lived in the surroundings of the place where the civil registry office was or is currently. It was/is the community, the town that I was referring to.
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vecinos means residents, someone living in that community, in this case Guadalupe Cantor Meoqui