Could you please translate this German marriage record? The record I would like translated is inside
Mejor Respuesta
Die 29 january wurde Johann Valentin Fröhlich, Hanß Henrich Fröhlichen Sohn von Mannweiler mit Anna Appolonia, Johann Peter Rappen des Mannweiler Schultheißen Tochter zu Mannweiler copuliret.
On 29 January [1704] Johann Valentin Fröhlich, son of Hans Henrioch Fröhlich of Mannweiler, was married in Mannweiler with Anna Appolonia, daughter of Johann Peter Rapp, the mayor of MAnnweiler
Note: the ending -en on the names (Fröhlichen, Rappen) is a genitive sign and not part of the name.
Absolutely amazing transcription and translation!
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Thank You so much!
Nancy Simmons Roberson
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