Franz (Francesco Piazza)
I am looking for more details like place of origin for Franz Piazza, who died in 1848 in Tarnopol. His second marriage details indicate that his father was Giuseppe (Joseph) Piazza and Domenica maiden name Manfredini. He was born around 1765-1775. I would like to track down his place of birth as well as for Domenica and Giuseppe. Any comments will be appreciated.
Thank you.
Records from before 1800 are only found in church books, and most of them are not online, nor are they computer-indexed.
You need to narrow down a town or small region to search, as each town (and each church within a town) keeps separate records. And since most church records are not online, you will have to research in person or hire an on-site researcher to help you.
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This is the most tricky part. I have no idea which part of Italy might be the place of birth for Francesco Piazza, unfortunately.