Adoptions in family, trying to determine my connections with early Mormons
I have at least one adoption on my maternal side and have found many cousins who descend from Mormons. Many of my matches descend from John Smith Harris born 1828 in Indiana, died 1894 in Mexico. John was the son of Moses Harris and Frances Smith.
I know John had two wives, Nancy Lydia Aldridge and Idora Quintilla Jones. I have cousin matches descending from both wives.
My questions are; Did John have other wives, and what's the best way to determine which wife could possibly be my 3rd great grandmother?
Thank you for your help :)
See if you have cousin matches descending from the parents of both wives. I have a similar situation in my family where I am related to descendants of a man and his four wives, but not to any of the wives. I concluded that he was the biological father, rather than any of his sons.