Continuing research on the Hungarian surname “Vilt”
I’m looking for the parents of my 3rd great grandfather Paulus Vilt. I think I might have found them in the link below. This link is to what I believe is a birth or baptismal record for Paulus. The indexer transcribed Paulus’s fathers name as Joseph Vild. I’m hoping it was supposed to be Vilt. The record is number 14 and I would really appreciate knowing the total information on the record. Thank you for your assistance.
"Hungary, Catholic Church Records, 1636-1895," database, FamilySearch ( : 20 May 2014), > image 1 of 1; Tolna Megyei Leveltar (National Archives), Budapest.
Parents: Josephus Vildt, Veronica Langmajer
Infant: Paulus
Godparents: Georgius Molnár, Elisabeth Balinth
Place: Palank
Day, month: 24th Jan
Baptizer: chaplain
The end of the surname basically looks like a 'd' plus the crossbar to a 't', but it is found elsewhere with 'dt', so I'm guessing that that's what was intended. But whether it's a 'd' or a 't' or both, it's really the same thing: consonants at the end of a word said with a German accent generally sound unvoiced to a Hungarian ear, i.e. they'd all sound like Vilt, and adding or using a 'd' in writing would be largely due to habit or tradition. In any case, it's not a Hungarian surname. I'm pretty sure it's German (an old spelling of wild, which means exactly the same as the English word), but I can't find the German surname dictionary that's around here somewhere. I'll try to remember to ask a friend tomorrow (hoping she hasn't buried her copy as thoroughly as I seem to have done to mine).
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Thank you for your assistance Julia. I’ve seen a record for this family with the Vildt surname spelling. Thank you for sharing that the Vilt surname is not Hungarian but German in origin. Any other information you can generate would be appreciated.