Create FamilySearch account without email or text messaging
We sometimes get patrons at the centre who have no email and do not have Smartphones and text messaging. They are not church members.
Is there a way to help them set up and activate a FamilySearch account so they can use all the Familysearch resources when they are at the centre?
Jeannie Vance
@JVance1 You might want to use the help center article about creating an account as you help members of the public get accounts set up:
You will note that an email address of mobile phone number that can receive text messages will be required for the accounts as we have to have a way to send the activation message and the user needs a way to recover a user name or reset a password. You might offer to help the person set up an email account. Gmail and others are free. Just be sure to step away from the computer when they set their password to protect their privacy.