I could use some translation help please!?
Hello, My husbands family has some of what look like German military travel orders documents for a service member from 1885. As you can see its type written in what I think is Fraktur script. I've tried numerous translation apps but none can decipher the hand written script for the name. My untrained eye can only make out the last name of the service member, which is Oberle. This is my mother-in-laws, now deceased, maiden name. We are very curious as to the name of the service member and what this document says.
There are 3 pages, however the last one is just a few lines of handwriting.
Hello Bridget,
this document is a classification of its owner as belonging to the military Supplementary Reserve (Ersatz-Reserve).
The mostly handwritten first part reads:
Der Taglöhner Georg Anton Oberle, geboren am 24. Oktober 1859 zu Hösbach k. bayr. Bezirksamts Aschaffenburg wird hiermit wegen geringer körperlicher Fehler der Ersatz=Reserve erster Klasse als Fußartillerist überwiesen und steht bis zum Zeitpunkt seiner Überweisung zur Ersatz=Reserve zweiter Klasse unter Kontrole der Landwehr=Behörden.
The day laborer Georg Anton Oberle, born 24 October 1859 in Hösbach belonging to the royal Bavarian district office of Aschaffenburg, due to minor physical defects is hereby transferred to the first class reserve as a foot gunner and is under the control of the Landwehr (Territorial force) authorities until the time of his transfer to the second class reserve.
Hösbach is a village about 5 km east of Aschaffenburg, a city on the river Main in Bavarian Franconia; see Meyers Gazetteer for Hösbach: https://www.meyersgaz.org/place/10850016
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Oh my goodness this is fantastic information. Thank you so much for the translation help. I cant wait to show my husband. 😄