Need help with the remarks, please
Selbstmord durch Erhängen = suicide by hanging
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Hi Ulrich:
Thank you!
That is the third suicide I've come across in a week. I wish I knew what caused them to take their lives. Such a permanent solution for a temporary problem.
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Hi Ulrich:
This is Johann Philipp Gross' daughter. She was 18 when she died.
Eva Katharina Gross What kind of daughter is she? Maybe single adult. What does that last column say? Hopefully not another suicide.
You're the best!
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Eva Katharina Groß, lediges Dienstmädchen, Tochter des + Landwirths Johann Philipp Groß und der + Katharina Elisabeth geb. Laubert
Eva Katharina Gross, unmarried maid, daughter of the late farmer Johann Philipp Gross and the late Katharina Elisabeth née Laubert
last column: gestorben im ___? Krankenhause = died in the ___? hospital