Translation help cemetery record year 1853
I could translate most of the two cemetery records from Rostock, Mecklenburg-Schwerin (entries 11,138 and 11,139). If someone would like to translate columns 8 and 10, I would appreciate it. However I do not know what I would do with the information in those two columns.
I included the title page and another page from the cemetery book for reference. The records are on FamilySearch, Rostock cemeteries, Journal B, image 343.
Thank you! Debra
Question column 8 (Abtheilung): Could this be the section that the grave is located in?
Question column 10 (Declaration / Requisition) : What is the translation and meaning of the information in this column?
Question: I have heard that gravesites in old cemeteries in Germany are sometimes removed. Do you think that these gravesites are still there in the cemetery?
Number 11,138
Date of burial: October 16th 1853
Birth and surname of the person buried: Christian Lange
Status and occupation: Ackersmann
Age: 51 years
Parish in which the death occurred: Jocobi
Department: C.?
Gravesite in cemetery: number 1 a
Assets - Declaration Litt.?: A.? / Requisition Litt.?: [blank]
Remarks: [blank]
Number 11,139
Date of burial: October 16th 1853
Birth and surname of the person buried: Margaretha Lange
Status and occupation: his wife
Age: 58 years
Parish in which the death occurred: Jocobi
Department: C.?
Gravesite in cemetery: number 1 b
Assets - Declaration Litt.?: A.? / Requisition Litt.?: [blank]
Remarks: [blank]
I used Google Translate for the title page and included it below. Is the translation accurate?
Staatl. archivverw. der ddr rat des bezirkes Rostock genealogische dokumente stadtarchiv Rotock friedhofsdeputation 1.1.14. 10
State archive management the gdr council of the district of Rostock genealogical documents city archive Rostock cemetery deputation 1.1.14. 10
Mejor Respuesta
Hello Debra,
you have understood and translated everything quite correctly. I can confirm that column 8 and 9 specify the location of the gravesite. The exact meaning depends on the local cemetery. It is correct that for most graves the "period of rest" (Ruhefrist) is limited to about 20 years typically. After that tombstones are removed and the place is reused. In particular, the Old Cemetery of Rostock has been transformed into a park called "Lindenpark" (
Column 10 is entitled Anlagen (attachments). It refers apparently to some additional documentation, not sure what exactly it means.
The name of the parish is Jacobi. Jacobi church was one of the four main churches of Rostock. It was completely demolished 1960 after damage during World War II,
That was interesting to read (translated to English) the history of the Old Cemetery and see pictures of the Park as it is now. And the details about the Jacobi church and what happened to it as well. The information about Ruhefrist is helpful. Those details make the cemetery records I found more interesting! Thank you again for the answers, corrections and letting me know that my translation is correct.