Virtual Family Discovery Day
Hi all,
This year we're going virtual for our stake Family Discovery Day. Does anyone have experience with putting on a virtual conference? I'm comfortable with Zoom--I teach classes regularly. But I've never done an online conference.
Would love to hear any ideas, gotchas, etc.
@kathryngz I helped with a virtual family history event for a stake youth conference the first COVID summer. We used Zoom. It worked OK. I think most folks, especially youth who were having virtual everything, are heartily tired of Zoom meetings. We decided to break the online parts up with activities for them to do on their own and then come back to talk about. That helped a bit. It's certainly harder to "read" your audience in virtual presentations and harder to get participation. This was just a couple of hours of a youth conference. I have no experience trying to do something on the scale of a family discovery day. But you might pick up some tips from attending the all-virtual RootsTech in March.