Birth record translation/Data Verification
Need some help translating (verifying my data extraction, since I don't speak Russian) of this record.
Link to original document: (
1887 Births, October 31, (Image 68)
Name: Nbaн (or Ivan, a version of American name "John")
Surname: Юcebичeй
(thinking this might be translated as Polish: Jusiewicz, Americanized: Usevitch, Usevich, etc.)
DOB: Oct 31, 1887
Baptism: Nov 15, 1887
Other names: (think there might be a form of Klemens (father) in the text but are not sure, mother is Helenna, but haven't quite found it)
Any other information that can be gleaned from this? Trying to find more about the parents/siblings, anything valuable really.
Hi David!
The information you have listed above is all correct. As for the names of his parents, I've circled them up above. His father's name is in blue and his mother's name and maiden name is in red.
The father's name looks to be Klementi (it's in genitive case) and the mother is Helena (also in genitive case, and they are using the Russian letter Г which makes a "g" sound as there is no "h" in Russian). Her maiden name is Стыгинская - transliterated is Styginskaya. I'd need to look in some surname dictionaries and other websites to see what Polish variants would be.
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Oh and it also mentions that they are from and that Ivan was born in Eishishki (now Eišiškės, Lithuania).
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Awesome, thank you!
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Гелена derivative from Elena, but this name is of purely Polish origin