Who were the parents of Johannes Rauch (1734-1800)?
Attached is the burial record for my 5 x great-grandfather. It is the ONLY vital record I have found for him. I am hoping it gives his parents' names, his spouse's name, and his place of birth in the entry (third from the bottom on the left side - his name is underlined for you).
A translation of the entire entry would be appreciated.
Thank you so much for your time.
Hello @Kelly Rauch Hawver
as is usually the case for an adult the death record does not contain informatuion about the parents of the deceased. Unfortunately his birthplace or the name of his (former) wife are not given either. The text is the following:
Johannes Rauch, citizen and wainwright here, widower, died of chest fever and side stitches on the 6th of May in the evening at 8 o'clock, age 66 years, 3 months and 8 days, and was buried in christian manner thereupon on the 8th of the same month in the morning 11 o'clock, because of ___? house, before held sermon.
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Hello @ Ulrich Neitzel
Thank you so much for the translation.
The identifier that he was a widower helps narrow down where to look for his wife's burial record.
I appreciate your time and assistance.