Hans Wendel Weick death 9 Jan 1704 film 002078348 page 308
Translation request:
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Hello Kent,
This is an unusual record because the age is stated twice in different ways.
On 9 January [1704] Hans Wendel Weich/Weick, 50 years less 4 months and 6 days, who is 49 years, 7 months, 26 days.
Comment: Despite how the two ages are written, they are very close to one another, only off by a day or two. Both dates calculate to a birth date in mid-May 1654.
Robert, Thanks for the great translation. Lots of information in a very small space. I have looked for Wendel's birth record but so far I haven't found it. All the best, Kent
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You're welcome, Kent. An interesting record. I, too, looked for Wendel's 1654 birth record last night with no success.
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Robert Seal_1 Thanks for trying. Some records are very difficult if not impossible to find. KG