1878 Marriage record for Belmonte Castello
Hello, how would I get a an 1878 marriage record for Michele DiCicco to Carolina Rizza in Belmonte Castello, the Frosinone district? Michele's birth record has the date, so I feel I can confirm the date and place without it, but would love to learn more. Thank you!
I cannot use the insert image using a link, so here is the link to his birth record if that helps: http://dl.antenati.san.beniculturali.it/v/Archivio+di+Stato+di+Caserta/Stato+civile+napoleonico+e+della+restaurazione/SantEliaoggi+SantElia+Fiumerapidoprovincia+di+Frosinone/Nati/1855/1695261/007964602_00870.jpg.html?g2_imageViewsIndex=0
You are fortunate that the post-1866 marriage info is provided here in this pre-1866 birth record, as this is not the case for most towns in Frosinone province!
Unfortunately, the civil records of Belmonte Castello post-1866 have not been digitized yet. They remain in the custody of the comune and so any certificates would have to be requested from the comune directly, at their discretion of course. The records suffered damage during WW2 as well, though it appears the marriage register for 1878 is intact. Like you said though, assuming Carolina Rizzo's birth also has the same annotation, you'd already have exact dates of birth plus parents' names for both parties, so there is no point requesting a marriage certificate!
For your reference, the list of civil records still preserved by the comune of Belmonte Castello is available here: http://archivicomunali.lazio.beniculturali.it/ProgettoRinasco/inventarionline/html/frosinone/Belmontecastello.html#N11477
Note that the years indicated by a * are books that were destroyed during WW2 but reconstructed afterwards (hence will be incomplete and potentially inaccurate).
Also for your reference, military records for Frosinone province are intact, covering all men born 1877 and later, the index of which is consultable online: http://www.archiviodistatofrosinone.beniculturali.it/index.php?it/216/anni-ruoli-matricolari
Finally, draft lists (liste di leva) for men born between 1871-1879 also exist intact at the Archivio di Stato di Caserta, but these are not available online.
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Joseph, I'm not sure I ever thanked you. Thank you for this help, and yes, I am indeed fortunate to have a birth record with marriage notation.