translation of this record
Please translate this record for me. Thank you.
Dear Allen64,
This is a translation requested
The year 1785 and February 2 were born and were baptized Alexis Dupouy and Marie Dupouy, twins, legitimate children of Jacques Dupouy Joande and Jeane Forcade, inhabitants in the farm in this territory of Tournay with the permission of the archpriest of Tournay . The godfather of Alexis is Alexis Dupouy and the godmother Jeanne Forcade, the godfather of Marie is Jean Forcade, godmother Domenge Forcade, not signed of this required not to know. Abbadie priest of Oueilloux and Oléac
and the eleven of February was born and was baptized Jean Dupont, legitimate son of Jean Dupont and Antonie Cazanave, godfather: Jean Cazanave and godmother Catheriene Duguet not signed of this required not to know.