Help with birth record and immigration record
Looking for birth record on Francesco Antonio DeNigris born in 1836 in Diano (Teggiano) Italy. Also looking for a state family census listing all members of his family.
Looking for immigration record on Francesco DeNigris son's who went to Buenos Aires, Argentina. Don't know their names.
Civil records for Teggiano are all available online:
- 1809-1815:
- 1816-1865:
- 1866-1910:
Using these, it should be possible to identify your ancestor in Italy positively, and then trace his family line back to any ancestor who died after 1809 plus his respective parents.
A name and approximate birthdate is not enough to positively identify your ancestor. Because of Italian naming traditions, it is very likely that multiple people with the same or similar names will be born in the same place around the same time. Instead, you will want to look for his marriage record, which will positively identify him by his connection to his wife. His marriage record will then provide the parents' names allowing you to reliably identify his birth record.
Italian census-type records like stato d'anime and stato di famiglia are actually quite rare prior to 1900. There are none online for Teggiano. They are also unnecessary because the civil records provide even more detail than these would.
As for the immigration to Argentina, I have no expertise with that, I'm afraid. Perhaps someone else knows more about Italian-Argentine research and can help you.
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As always, your information is helpful, Joseph.