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New Android App SourceLinker BugsIn the new SourceLinker on the android app, the message "Document attached to ..." appear…
New Android App Search BugsIn the past, when you search for records for someone in the android app, their birth year was autom…
2Suggested Corrections: 'Places Research by FamilySearch' Solutions Gallery Profile: Other IdeasReferencing:…
1iPhone app stories- "x" in corner is confusingI feel scared to touch that "x" in the corner, every time I'm finished with a story becau…
Which app permits me to replace abbreviations and standardize names and placesI am presenting on Zoom to the ward temple and family history consultants in the stake. My topic is…Answered ✓ Closed Larry9 231 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by dontiknowyou General Questions