Temple List
Discussion List
1Temple - Shared with group cannot share againI have several people that were shared with a group at one time or another and have been removed fr…
1My Reservation List of Temple OrdinancesI've been trying to audit my reservation list because I suspect that some of the ordinances that no…Active Closed Margo Roberts McKinstry 161 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Dale Kroeker Suggest an Idea
2BEQUEATH MY TEMPLE RESERVATION LIST TO A FAMILY MEMBERI would like an option to name a family member who will automatically inherit my entire temple rese…new Closed Deborah J. White 221 views 0 comments 2 points Most recent by Deborah J. White Suggest an Idea
1Feedback: Being able to select "Perform Next" and "Not Printed" filtersIt is an odd design choice that we cannot select these both because if people want to filter at all…new Closed Michael W. McCormick 231 views 9 comments 1 point Most recent by PiperTWilson Suggest an Idea
2new Closed Michael W. McCormick 261 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by PiperTWilson Suggest an Idea