Temple Enhancement
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1SP ProhobitionServing as FamilySearch support missionaries, my wife and I have had several cases in which guests …Active Closed Jonathan M. Smith 153 views 0 comments 1 point Started by Jonathan M. Smith Suggest an Idea
2Ordinance ready namesThe past several years, members have been encouraged to take their own family names to the temple t…
1Temple Ready updateCan we add a way to see # of sources attached to records found by temple ready? It is good practice…
3Ordinances Completed tab to tally total ordinances completedThe ordinance completed only keeps 3000 as the top number….even if you complete more ordinances. …
1Ink Used to print male cardsCould the male card be modified to a gray background (behind the male word and symbol) rather than …
2Temple WorkI do a lot of temple work. I frequently find people who are not being sealed to their parents, aft…Active Closed Valerie Metscher 196 views 2 comments 2 points Most recent by Gordon Collett Suggest an Idea
2printing ordinance cardsI'd like to see these capabilities to print ordinance cards: With filtering it would be wonderful …new Closed david thorgalsen 254 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by rosaleawoodcott1 Suggest an Idea
1My Reservations for ordinances shows misleading status for in progress ordinancesOn my desktop, "My Reservations' for temple ordinances shows a bunch of people with icons for …Active Closed B. Anderson 178 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by OlsonTrinaJanelle1 Suggest an Idea
1Ordinances Ready- Log of completed ordinances- with more ordinances ready.In the Completed file under Temple, the completed ordinances are filed for up to 3 years. This is …
3Download Spreadsheet for Names Needing Temple Work PerformedThe Temple --> Completed screen has an option to download a spreadsheet with all the names of pe…