Standardized places
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Correcting/merging/updating locations?Hi, while it seems a bit hidden from common view, I did find the "Places" editor of Famil…Answered Closed ZoltanKelemen4 441 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by AnneLoForteWillson General Questions
Corrupted FamilySearch Places KML file: Utah?There are at least 4 outliers that need relocation? whoops ... none of those are in Utah - someone …Answered ✓ Closed genthusiast 371 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by genthusiast General Questions
2Suggested Corrections: 'Places Research by FamilySearch' Solutions Gallery Profile: Other IdeasReferencing:…
Standardized dates and places do not translate to my languageI have a relative in FamilySearch whose birth date and place were entered by someone using Magyar (…Answered Closed EricPeterson91 971 views 11 comments 1 point Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Family Tree
Geneva, Switzerland in FamilyTree. Switzerland, Genève in CatalogSearch All Discussions Places Why can't I find Geneva, Switzerland in the Catalog? This is th…
1950 Census -- District of Columbia place name errors -- wrong States!!I have been working on 1950 Census for my relatives in Washington, DC and discovered that the "…