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Scotland Parish Records not indexed, but cant volunteer to help?I've been going through parish records in Scotland trying to find and connect people, and while I c…
Incorrect Location Peebles-shire in ScotlandIn Scotland locations, Peebles-shire is incorrect location spelling, it should be Peeblesshire with…Answered ✓ Closed Linda Peterson_13 151 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Linda Peterson_13 General Questions
Next steps for Naturalization record?Hi there, I'm trying to find an immigration/naturalization and ultimately birth record for Anna B …
Eastern Necropolis Cemetery in Glasgow Scotland ledger books gone ?I used to be able to look thru a scanned version of the Eastern Necropolis internment and lair purc…
Anyone have experience with Microfilm 6035516: Scotland Births and BaptismsDoes anyone have experience using this microfilm on Family Search records? I'm struggling to follow…