Record Searching
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Unreadable ImageRicardo Cortez said: Film 605618, Nuevo Leon, Bustamante, San Miguel de Aguayo, Bautismos 1830-1863…
How should I handle this record?So I am doing some family reaserch on my Polish ancestors. I got the dates I needed, but have found…
Would FS Please, PLEASE, PLEASE return to the previous version of SEARCHing for Records?YES, I am well aware that this topic has 100's of discussions in this Forum in various areas. NO AN…
Why can't I find a name in a FS census record, but I can find it on found an entry for Joseph Rice (born Feb 1863 in Pennsylvania; wife "Mary A.") in the 1…
New search didn't work for me on exact searchEntered Last name "Dunn". Entered Residence "Moore, North Carolina", clicked th…