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I am having a “brick wall” problem with finding KCST-GXV parents can someone help?William K Roland born 1830 in Ralls county Missouri. Married Pelina Sparling June 6, 1851 in Pike c…
Half of image is not legible, how do I report?Hello, I'm working on the New York, Finger Lakes, Land Records indexing project. The left half of …Answered Closed Jennifer Strickland 331 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by John Empoliti Indexing
Plymouth County (MA) Probate Files are incompleteHi, I was wondering if there was a way to report that certain document collections are incomplete? …
Would FS Please, PLEASE, PLEASE return to the previous version of SEARCHing for Records?YES, I am well aware that this topic has 100's of discussions in this Forum in various areas. NO AN…