Family Tree Enhancement
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"Reason This Source Is Attached" ProblemWhen I attach a source to someone I like to fill in the "Reason this source is attached" …Answered Closed JaneMurrayjefferies 131 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Áine Ní Donnghaile Family Tree
1Collaborating on Private People in a Shared and Private TreeI watched the What's New video and had a piece of feedback. I would love an option to choose which …
2Toggle switch for seeing all generations in Descendancy Tree ViewI would love to have a toggle switch at the top of the page in descendancy tree view that would all…Active Closed michellehowell2 141 views 0 comments 2 points Started by michellehowell2 Suggest an Idea
2No Relationship Fact view in TreeHello! Here is something that I think would be very helpful when navigating the tree. When ever yo…
2Better readabilityI would suggest a slightly darker background on the new landscape view, maybe also on the portrait …
1Can you write a sub-routine to show all of the green temples (not previously reserved) of ancestor?I have been doing a lot of downline research to find "holes" where ordinances were only p…
2Rank the quality of a record sourceCurrently a user can not advise what they believe is the quality of the source they are posting to …Active Closed Larry Hardin1 251 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by Gail Swihart Watson Suggest an Idea
1This person's first names contain one or more invalid words (SPOUSE)In sealing to spouse, when the message "This person's first names contain one or more invalid …
1Requiring genderWhen the gender of a person to be added from source document is unknown, the choice of sex is not r…
2Record Hint to include number of sources recordedIt would be super-helpful if within the Turquoise-colored hint a number could be included indicatin…