Editing Record Details
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2No prompt for a reason statement when changing Death details in Family TreeIt has been explained to me previously why Death details (under the Vitals section) cannot be delet…Active Closed Paul W 211 views 4 comments 2 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Suggest an Idea
6Latest Changes - instead of showing relationship deleted - say "Merged"It is not helpful to see the list of changes showing "relationship deleted" Please change…
5Show if a record is attached to the selected person from family tree when performing a searchWhen one starts a search for records from the Person page, the "search results" page show…Active Closed GabrielArtaud 411 views 16 comments 5 points Most recent by James F. Carroll Suggest an Idea
3Standardized date or place icon missingIn the previous program, you rightfully had an icon for date or place on the detail page showing to…Active Closed Jean Chowhan 821 views 26 comments 3 points Most recent by Julia Szent-Györgyi Suggest an Idea