Change Birth date
Discussion List
Date of Birth or Date of DeathHow do i change or amend a date of birth of date of death in an existing record where there is eith…
Stopping someone changing our informationIs there a way to stop people changing information???? I have birth certificates, baptism certifica…Answered ✓ Closed GrahameSlope 322 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by dontiknowyou General Questions
How do I correct the birth info on my brotherBrother's name James Randall Pearce Birth date 15 July 1958 record shows his mother as Margaret …Answered ✓ Closed Kathryn Vicory 291 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Kathryn Vicory Family Tree
How do I edit a birth date.How do I edit a birth date.