Birth date
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Birth date- day/month/year doesn't add up with the record yearI will attach a document that will help explain the problem I am running into. The date of birth s…
What does "50" mean as a declared date of birth?I have a batch of baptism documents ready to index, but there's one thing I just can't make sense o…Answered ✓ Closed OwenRomeril 402 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by barbaragailsmith1 Indexing
What date to record for abandoned children?Hi all, I'm new at indexing and after a few easy batches I came across a batch that includes 3 reco…
How do I index an ambiguous date?Eliminating all other details, the death record I'm indexing has a birthdate of 09-01-1970 and deat…Answered ✓ Closed Matthew August Vencill 421 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Carrie Pitt Indexing
How much info is required.I can get a name and location but no birthdate? Yes Noob. Thanks for your patience.Answered Closed David Kurt Tracy 126 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Melissa S Himes Indexing
Do I index unlabeled dates in the margin? I am reviewing thi…Answered ✓ Closed Megan Lingmann 272 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Megan Lingmann Indexing