Attaching sources
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1840 Census - Attaching to wife?I've found my ancestor Isaac on the 1840 census. It obviously doesn't list names of household memb…
Problem with Duplicate/Retired RecordThe "United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918" record for my grandfa…Answered Tiffany Farnsworth Nash 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Áine Ní Donnghaile Search
Is the user "TreeBuilding Project" taking the tree forward or wasting time?Today user "TreeBuilding Project" added a source record index https://www.familysearch.or…
Allow a Spreadsheet upload to MemoriesI saw the previous post about the need to convert a spreadsheet to a pdf in order to be able to upl…
Name of celebrant priest: best practice?What would you advise to do with the names of officiants in, say, christening ceremonies? As an exa…