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Divorce to be seen in couple boxI have been doing a lot of my more recent individuals in my tree (using the private people feature)…
Easy way to remove incorrect infoMy Susters announcement is wrong and hurtful.
Alternate Name in Source LinkingWhen you attached a source, it matches the vital information. Many times, the Name is different. Th…
Census Address field ‘Same Place’Situation: When in source linker and attaching a census, you commonly have an address field that sa…
Ai Cursive ReaderIt would be nice to have a tool that allows us to take a screen shot or upload a photo of cursive t…Answered Arend Visher 61 views 2 comments 2 points Most recent by Áine Ní Donnghaile General Questions
Verify Standard Places not searching for the location by default after you press keep goingIn Firefox (haven't checked with other web browsers), after you hit submit or skip on the tenth pag…
Not a place category on Verify PlacesSometimes when I am on Verify Places, it pops up something that is completely ridiculous, and is no…