Olá, por favor, busco por um direcionamento e orientações na busca por meus familiares. Meus tios n
Meu Avô chamava-se Adolf Goll, filho de Ludwig Goll e Rosália Goll, nascida Plescher. Meu avô teve seu primeiro casamento em 1901, com Emilie Goll, nascida Albrecth, e viúvo casou-se novamente em 1906, com Katharina Goll, nascida Niebergall, no primeiro teve 3 filhas, e no segundo teve 9 filhos, até 1925, quando migrou para o Brasil com os filhos do segundo casamento
Parece que sua família é alemã, vivendo na Rússia, atualmente na Moldávia.
Eu acho seu avô em MyHeritage: https://www.myheritage.com/research/record-1-401248151-5-37718/adolf-goll-in-myheritage-family-trees - sugiro que você entre em contato com o colaborador para mais informações sobre a família. Você também pode encontrar mais informações sobre as aldeias de Germans From Russia Heritage Site (somente em ingles). Por exemplo, a cidade Neu Oneschti pode ser encontrada aqui: http://www.grhs.org/villages/bessarabia/neu-oneschti_bess.html
Para informações sobre Adolf e as crianças de sua primeira esposa, veja este site: https://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=1000b1001ma&id=I70165
Se você tem qualquer outra pergunta, por favor pergunte
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Here in Brazil, I am doing the research in my city with the help of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I already have some information about my Family, also extracted from almost all these sites that you mentioned, but I see that at this moment I need to deepen because I find it difficult to find documents about my grandparents and my uncles. I believe that almost everyone was born in what is now Moldova, please, I ask for your help, with guidelines on the best way to go so that I can find these documents. Thank you. Rômulo Goll
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Here in Brazil, I am doing the research in my city with the help of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I already have some information about my Family, also extracted from almost all these sites that you mentioned, but I see that at this moment I need to deepen because I find it difficult to find documents about my grandparents and my uncles. I believe that almost everyone was born in what is now Moldova, please, I ask for your help, with guidelines on the best way to go so that I can find these documents. Thank you. Rômulo Goll
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Hello, good morning, I am attaching a file that I found in the searches, but I can not understand exactly the date of birth of my grandfather, Adolf Goll, also do not understand the name of the town, or village that would have been born, and also the data of my great-grandparents, please ask for your help translating the entire contents of line 204 of the document. Thank you
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Sorry for the late response! Sometimes when replies to posts created rather than questions, they are easy to miss!
Here is the translation:
Birth date: 24 October 1879, 6 in the morning
Baptism date: 27 October 1879
Name: Adolph Goll
Parents: Ludwig Goll (Austrian subject and farmer) and Rosalie Plaescher, both Evangelical Lutheran
Witnesses: Georg Andres, Peter Mauer, Margaretha Andres, Elisabeth Mauer
Legitimate male child
There is also a reference to another record on 30 April 1904, entry number 6019.
As for the birth place, there is not a column for birth place, but the baptism place is just the parish. The handwriting is kind of tricky, but my best guess is Cadiari. Usually tools like maps and gazetteers can help to decipher the place name, but I am not sure which area/country we are dealing with? Would you mind posting the link to where you got this document? Or where did you find it? Knowing that will help with the place name.
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First of all, I would like to thank the translation of the document, as it is very important for me.
I am a grandson of Adolph Goll, but of the second marriage, with Katharina Nierbergall, with whom he had 8 children still in Europe, before migrating to Brazil in 1925, where he had three more children, one of them, my Father, Valentim Goll.
I am attaching a document that may be the reference you cited, but it is from 1901, it is my grandfather's first marriage (Emilie Albrecht), inclusive, please, if you can translate, I believe that my grandfather's birth city may be cited in this document.
I do not know if you had access, but in previous messages, I spent a little bit of the information I have about my family, and what information I'm looking for, if it helps, I can send it again.
Almost all the information I have of my Family refers to Kishinev, Kodjaz, Kodyiazul, Godias, Codias, in Balti, Baltza, Neu Onesti, Hincesti, all around Kishinev, country, Moldova.
I got these documents from someone I hired months ago in Kishinev, but I do not know exactly where they were searched.
Here in Brazil, I am researching my Family with the help of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and I am very hopeful to get all the information I seek.
If you can help me, I'll be very grateful.
Best Regards
Rômulo Goll
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This looks like a separate record from the one indicated in the previous record (it is entry number 48, rather than 6019).
This record was in Russian, rather than German. Here is the translation:
Groom: Adolph Goll, Lutheran, age 22, from the village Kodiasy, son of the Austrian citizen , Ludwig Goll and his wife Rosalie Plescher. The father has already died, but the mother is still living.
Bride: Emilie Albrecht, age 20, Lutheran from the village Strimbeny, daughter of the local man Valentin Albrecht and his wife Barbara Heishel. Both are still living.
Marriage Banns were published 16, 23, and 30 September 1901.
They were married in the church on the 7th of October 1901.
I went back and looked at the birth place from the baptism record I translated earlier - it looks like the priest spelled Kodiasy - Codiaci - which is why it was difficult to find.
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Please, would like to know if it is possible to locate this village Kodiasy or Codiaci on the map, maybe some record that it has changed its name, can you help me with this search? I would still like to ask a question, I see that the records of this time were made in churches, so I ask, in the towns near this village there were Civil Registry Offices, that is, it is possible that people of the time had a birth registration in Notary Public ? Thank you
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Generally we don't see civil registration in Russia until after the Russian revolution (1917/1918). Prior to that time, Russian laws mandated that registration be the responsibility of the church.
I wasn't able to find Kodiasy on a map. The parish was Chisinau (also known as Kishinev or Kishenew) and I was able to find that on a map, but not Kodiasy. Kodiasy was probably located nearby. I'll attatch the map of Chisinau below (it's from mapire.eu).
You also might find this link from Black Sea German Research useful - they have indexes to parish records for Kishenew - the parish your ancestors were included in.
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Again I would like to thank you, because with your help, I have just discovered the records of two more uncles, Adam and Ekaterine, born to Moldova today, but I will ask you again to help me with the translation, so I am attaching the same.
Continuing my research, although I know that I have more uncles born in Europe, I have not been able to find any records about them so far. One possibility is that the family would have been removed from their lands by the First World War, changing in this way, perhaps for Siberia, if this was possible at the time, how can I get information, since I still look for births as below:
Ludwig Goll - 15.04.1916
Margarethe Goll - 05/18/1918
Wilhelmine Goll and Magdalena Goll (twins) - 22.06.1920
Filippine Goll - 24.07.1922
After this children, my grandparents still had 2 daughters in Europe, who died babies in 1924 and 1925 (I have the records), before finally embarking for Brazil in July 1925, where my Father was born and 2 more sisters. Please, I ask for your help, so that I can continue with my research.
Thank you very much
Best regards
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The other file
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Here are those translations for you!
Birth Date: 27 April 1913, 5 in the morning
Baptism Date: 19 May 1913
Name of Child: Ekaterina (Katharina) Goll
Parents: Adolph Goll, Austrian and his wife Ekaterina (Katharina) Niebergall, both Lutheran
Witnesses: Samuel Goll and Katherine Drummer
Legitimate female child
Birth Date: 23 June 1911, 3 in the morning
Baptism Date: 9 July 1911
Name: Adam Goll
Parents: Adolph Goll and his wife Ekaterina (Catherine) Niebergall, both Lutheran
Witnesses: Adam Tritgardt and Val???? Goll
Legitimate male child
Also, on the page of Adolph's birth record, there is an Adolph Goll serving as a witness for Adolph Fotteicker (son of Jacob Fatticker and Barbara Kern). I don't know if that's of any interest to you. Witnesses are often times family members or close family friends.
As for further records, it will be important to know which town as records are often kept and stored at the town level. Many Germans were forced from their homes in the early to mid 1900s, so it is likely that your ancestors may have ended up in Siberia.
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Thanks for the translations.
I'm sorry for asking so many questions, is that my little knowledge in genealogy research, I do not know where to continue.
Since I have records of the birth of a daughter in 1913, and also records of the birth and death of 2 daughters of my grandparents in Kishinev in 1924 and 1925, I am sure that if they were removed to Siberia, they returned years later.
Did these removals of German families from this region to Siberia occur due to World War I?
If you were looking for records from your grandparents, and knew from close relatives that "perhaps" they had been removed from their lands to Siberia, and you only have this little information, where would you start a search?
Can you help me?
Thank you
Romulo Goll
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It is possible that they could have gone to Siberia at this time, but without the name of an exact town or location in Siberia, it is difficult to find records. I will see if I can find some research about the history of the area and let you know if I find anything about families from this area being sent to Siberia.
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It looks like most migration/deportation to Siberia in this region occurred at the time of WWII. Perhaps your ancestors just moved to a nearby town or village and then moved back.
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I would like to look in Kishinev's books for the possible births of my uncles from 1916 to 1923, at least to exclude the possibility that they always remained living in the same place. Please, within the Family Search website, how can I search and find these books of the Kishinev Lutheran Church?Thank you
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We spoke here a few months ago, maybe you still have the conversation history there.
I would like to learn how to search records not yet cataloged within the Family Search website, from the little I know so far, my family lived in Noi Onescht, near Kichinev, with this the Lutheran Parish where I can find records of my relatives must be Kichinev. Please, how do I identify exactly which movies and archives to look for my relatives in, since they were born between 1910 and 1925 in this region?
I'm waiting
Thank you
Romulo Goll
São Paulo, Brazil
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I got this document with a cousin of mine here in Brazil, maybe it will help you see where to search for others. Thanks
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Hi Romulo,
If a locality doesn't show up with any records in the FamilySearch Catalog, it probably means that we have not yet digitized records from that archive. This document looks like an extract of the original church books that was made in 1922. It looks like it came from the Evangelical Lutheran Church office in Kichinev. During the 1920s and 1930s, genealogical records, such as church records were gathered and placed in state and regional historical archives. I'm guessing that the records that were at the Evangelical Lutheran Church office in 1922 ended up in one of these archives. Based upon the location, it's very likely that they ended up in the National Archive of Moldova, which is located in Kichinev, Moldova. You can find contact information for the archive here: https://www.familysearch.org/wiki/en/Germans_from_Russia_Archives_and_Libraries#National_Archive_of_the_Republic_of_Moldova
As you can see, church records are located in fond 211, opis 22. You may want to read the whole wiki article https://www.familysearch.org/wiki/en/Germans_from_Russia_Archives_and_Libraries to learn more about archives and archival research in the former Soviet Union.
And actually, I will be teaching a webinar about this very subject next week on March 24, at 11:30 am (mountian time). You are welcome to join. Here is a link: https://www.familysearch.org/wiki/en/img_auth.php/3/35/March-2020.pdf
The name on the schedule is wrong - the name of the class is actually supposed to be: "Germans from Russia: Locating and Contacting Archives."
Hope this helps!