Hi Everyone!
I’m Debbi, an adoptee from six months of age. Some years ago I was granted permission to break seal of adoption. In the process I discovered my birth family was not forthcoming with information. My birth mother passed away some years prior. Now I suspect that my grandmother or great grandmother were adopted as well. I am trying to confirm the identity of my great grandmother listed in the attached document. I only need the full date of birth to confirm or disprove her identity. If anyone can assist me in obtaining the month, day and year listed on this document, I’d greatly appreciate any assistance. :
Edith Thomas, Oneida, Wisconsin, United States; citing Census, NARA microfilm publication M595. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1967.
Full DOBs weren't on Indian Rolls. Frankly, many were just guessing their age. The first page of that section says members of the Onondaga Tribe in New York.
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The Indian Rolls showing her living om the Onandaga Reservation through 1908. But none have a DOB.
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Okay . . try Edith M. Thomas, born 7/17/1889, married Merritt Fisher.
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You could write away for her SSA application.
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DNA testing might help you get through some of these roadblocks as well, though I know there may be some sensitivities there.
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BTW, I just used the link you provided, switched to multiple images mode, and backed up to #1. The census was taken June 30, 1905, so she was born about 1899. That's how I found the SSN page.