Training Plan for T&FHC or youth?
Does anyone have a training plan for training your T&FH consultants? There are lots of resources, but I'm looking for a long-term training plan to introduce and reinforce one topic at a time to build interest, commitment, and skills. Also interested in a plan to engage and train younger youth.
I believe that you will find everything that you will need at the We use this resource to train our new consultants and Staff members at the Hurricane, Utah Family History Center. We have almost 90 volunteers here. Also, we have been told that this is what the church uses to train the Missionaries at the Family History Library in SLC. The Great thing about the fhguide is that it is constantly being updated and uses the videos and articles from the FamilySearch website. Good Luck to you.
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When I go to the domain, it shows as an inactive domain available for purchase.
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When I went to it went to a public domain site.
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I found the correct link:
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Hi Sheryl,
You might like to try BYU Sunday classes by Kathryn Grant. For your own education and be able to use her Slides for your presentations so that you can slow down the process and go at your own speed.
Go to BYU Family History Library. Sunday Classes on the left hand side. Under the picture you will see missed a class? at the end of that : Sunday classes Archive.
She has a beginning Series. Under the 4 lessons in the beginning series is a Basic class Materials. This is where you will find the slide presentations for each class.
A Intermediate Series. The same resources are found for the intermediate classes as well.
I plan to use this in my own ward.
Enjoy. Hope this helps.